Amnesia The Dark Descent Mac Download Full

Sep 19, 2021 Amnesia The Dark Descent Cracked Download Mac Full; Amnesia The Dark Descent Review; Amnesia The Dark Descent Download; Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a first person survival horror game. A game about immersion, discovery and living through a nightmare. An experience that will chill you to the core. Click the Download button beneath and you need to be redirected to AddHaven. Wait 5 seconds and click on on the blue ‘download now’ button. Now let the obtain start and look forward to it to complete. Once Amnesia: The Dark Descent is finished downloading, proper click on file and click on on “Extract to Amnesia – The Dark.

Amnesia The Dark Descent PC Game is a horror survival video game developed and published by Frictional Games. This game released for the Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X & PlayStation 4 platforms. These game features protagonist Daniel exploring dark and foreboding the castle. While trying to maintain sanity by avoiding the monsters and the other terrifying obstructions. Game was critically received, earning 2 awards from Independent Games Festival & numerous positive reviews.

This game originally released via online distribution independently. The game has been published since in retail by 1C Company which in Russia & Eastern Europe and also THQ in North America. A collection of 5 short stories that set in world of Amnesia. It written by Mikael Hedberg & illustrated by game’s concept artists, which was also made available. In addition, these game’s soundtrack available for purchase & free content expansion of Justine has been released. As well as many of fan-made expansions & stories for it’s unique “Custom Story” game-mode.

In similar vein to Frictional Games developer’s previous games, Amnesia which is adventure game that played from first-person perspective. Game retains physical object interaction that used in Penumbra game series. It allowing for the physics-based puzzles & interactions as like opening doors & fixing machinery. Few in the game objects operated by toggle as like to open door, for instance, player must hold down mouse button and then push the mouse. It gives the player stealth, which allowing them for peeking out a barely opened door / open it slowly as sneak away. But also adds to player’s sense of helplessness, such as now it’s entirely possible to push open a “pull” door while danger approaches from the behind.

Amnesia The Dark Descent PC Game Minimum System Requirements:

OS: Windows Xp / 7 / 8 / Vista 32 bit

CPU: AMD Athlon MP 1900+ / Intel Pentium 4 1.5GHz

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8300 GS / AMD Radeon 9250

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Amnesia The Dark Descent PC Game

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Amnesia: The Dark Descent Free Download PC Game with Direct Link Safe and Secure. Amnesia: The Dark Descent Free Download For PC Preinstalled.

Download Amnesia: The Dark Descent free. Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a first person survival horror. Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a first person horror game with focus on immersion. It is a game where atmosphere and story comes first. Daniel awakens in a desolate Prussian castle without any. How to download zoo tycoon on mac.


Free to try Macgamestore Mac OS X 10.5 Intel/PPC Version 1.0 Full Specs. Amnesia: The Dark Descent puts you in the shoes of Daniel as he wakes up in a desolate castle, barely remembering. 'Amnesia shows us by example that gaming has entirely new realms to explore.' - Game Informer (9.25/10) 'I think it is safe to say that Amnesia is the most successfully frightening game to have been made.' - Rock, Paper, Shotgun 'Rich in atmosphere and big on scares, Amnesia: The Dark Descent goes where survival-horror fears to tread.'

The last remaining memories fade away into darkness. Your mind is a mess and only a feeling of being hunted remains. You must escape. Amnesia: The Dark Descent, a first person survival horror. A game about immersion, discovery and living through a nightmare. An experience that will chill you to the core. You stumble through the narrow corridors as the distant cry is heard. It is getting closer. Amnesia: The Dark Descent puts you in the shoes of Daniel as he wakes up in a desolate castle, barely remembering anything about his past. Exploring the eerie pathways, you must also take part of Daniel’s troubled memories. The horror does not only come from the outside, but from the inside as well. A disturbing odyssey into the dark corners of the human mind awaits.

Amnesia The Dark Descent Story

How To Download And Install The Game

Amnesia The Dark Descent Mac Download Full

Click the Download button below and you should be redirected to UploadHaven.
Wait 5 seconds and click on the blue ‘download now’ button. Now let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
Once Amnesia: The Dark Descent is done downloading, right click the .zip file and click on “Extract to Amnesia – The Dark” (To do this you must have WinRAR, which you can get here).
Double click inside the Amnesia: The Dark Descent folder and run the exe application.
Have fun and play! Make sure to run the game as administrator and if you get any missing dll errors, look for a Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install all the programs in the folder.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent Free Download

Amnesia the dark descent mac download. full free

System Requirements

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: 2.0Ghz – Low budget CPUs such as Celeron or Duron needs to be at about twice the CPU speed
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 3GB
Graphics: Radeon X1000/GF 6 – Integrated graphics and very low budget cards might not work.

Amnesia The Dark Descent Download Mac Free Torrent

Amnesia: The Dark Descent 1.41 (Humble Bundle) 1.25 GB

Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: Humble Bundle

OS version: 10.6
Processor type(s) & speed: 1 GB
RAM minimum:
Video RAM:


Latest DRM-free Humble Bundle version.

More info:

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a first person horror game with focus on immersion. It is a game where atmosphere and story comes first.

Daniel awakens in a desolate Prussian castle without any memories to explain his situation. A letter written by himself reveals that the amnesia is actually self-inflicted. The mysterious message urges him to seek out and kill Alexander, a man residing deep below the castle. Hunted by a dark shadow, Daniel can see no other way out. If he is to save his life and mind, he needs to find out what it is all really about. It is his only hope for salvation. A dark descent awaits.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent is brought to you by the same developers behind the critically acclaimed Penumbra series. With this new title, Frictional Games aim to take horror gaming to a new level. The game enables real-world physics, making interaction truly intuitive, and allows you to step inside the world of Amnesia. Pick up and manipulate almost any object, study them, and find a way to use them to your advantage. Feel the excitement of being an ordinary person trapped inside a fantastic and dangerous setting.

Forget about fighting back. Mac os x lion server download iso. To survive you need to use your wits. Sneak, hide, and if all else fails – run!

Forget about cutscenes and other breathers. Motorola gm300 radio doctor download. Everything that happens, happens to you first hand. Become Daniel and uncover your past in a maze of forgotten memories.

Amnesia The Dark Descent Walkthrough

Enter an interactive nightmare where reality is a fragile concept.

Do you have what it takes to survive?

Amnesia Free Play

  • True Survival Horror – Horror is not a feature – it is the very essence of Amnesia.
  • Unique Physics-driven Interaction – Based on real-world physics, this innovative system allows for a natural approach to interaction. Slowly open a door or throw it open. Closely examine an item or throw it across the room. Stack things together to climb and reach that upper level.
  • Storytelling- Inspired by true events of human evil, the game tells a terrifying tale of the darkness within us all. A thought provoking journey into the human psyche, forcing the question: what would you have done?
  • Optimized for your Computer – The game engine has been designed to accommodate both old and new computers. Are your computer a few years older than it should be? No problem, Amnesia will run and look incredible even on low performance systems. Newer computers can take advantage of special high-end features, such as SSAO and parallax mapping, making the game look even better.
  • High Production Indie – Taking several years of hard work to complete, the game features a cutting edge engine, high quality art, sound, studio recorded dialogue, and more.

LANGUAGES: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish

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